
HOME Retreat

Hosted by Marika Richoz + Zoë Pawlak

November 8 - 11th, 2024

Set in beautiful Whistler B.C (Marika's home!) This 4 day and 3 night retreat will be a place for you to rest and relax. Tap into new rituals and connections. Explore what it means to be at home. In your body, in your physical environment. To nourish yourself. We will be sharing in words, movement, nature and laughter.

“Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.” - Pierce Brown

If this body is this one vessel for this lifetime, how do we connect to our body? What does it mean to be at home? How do we create a home inside and out? Home is our sanctuary. Through movement, nourishing food, healing conversations, questions, laughter and sharing we will investigate how we can get closer to ourselves and that feeling of refuge.